
So what happened to me? How did I end up in chronic pain? It's a long story. So, make a cup of tea and pull up a comfortable chair.

When I was 28 years old, my body suddenly went to war with me. I was a financial journalist, typing thousands of words per week, when my hands and arms began aching so badly I could barely hold a fork, let alone type. The pain was not acute, like a bruise or break, but instead a dull aching throb that radiated all the way up from my fingers through my elbows and shoulders, then up to my neck. It followed me around everywhere - I couldn't get any relief. I couldn't sleep and I could barely work.

I had had twinges of pain before. In my early twenties I would occasionally get some aching in my palms or my neck would feel stiff. But it always went away without too much drama. I would attribute it to a stressful time or adjust my keyboard a bit, but it was never a real worry.

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